

People have a tendency to bite off more than they can chew. And sometimes this anecdote is applicable to adopting a dog. It is not something out of a whim or an idea that just came out of nowhere. Adopting a pup is a commitment, a relationship with another being. You commit to taking good care of the dog for the rest of their life. You must choose a dog of an appropriate age and compatible breed with your life style. Here’s a list 5 things to consider and what to know before about adopting a dog:

Adoption event

1. Your Lifestyle

Before adopting a dog, you must consider your own lifestyle, including how long you are at work for and your preferred leisure activities. Be sure to choose a breed that fits into your life style. If you are a frequent flyer because of work, think about what you will do with your dog every time you travel. If you don’t travel a lot for work, how about your home? Do you live in an apartment or a house? If you live in an apartment you might want a smaller breed or a lazy, big breed, but then you must have room for the dog to move around. If you love to go on long walks every evening and go hiking on weekends, you might prefer a more active breed. However, if you watch hours of television every evening after work, you may prefer a lap dog.  

Obama's Dog

2. Feeding

Food is another important thing to take into consideration. As a dog owner, you will worry about what your pet eats. There are many factors to consider, including buying the best quality food, where it is sourced, how it is prepared, and how much it costs. Be sure to consider the proportion of protein, carbs, and fat in your pet’s diet. Can you provide the best quality food and sustain giving it?  

Real Dog Food for real dogs

3. Exercise

Walking and exercise are important for dogs because it helps them maintain a healthy weight, provides physical stimulation, and prevents them from developing anxiety. Exercise causes dogs to produce serotonin and other hormones that keep them happy and calm. Can you provide all the necessary walks for your dog? Rain or shine, the new member of the family needs to go out, socialize with other dogs, and also to do their business. Walking must be part of your pup’s routine. If you work long hours, can you afford a dog walker to come and help you care for your pup? If you are an Astoria Resident, be sure to contact Buster and Whiskers for a professional and reliable Astoria dog walker.  

Buster and Whiskers Group Walk

4. Veterinarian Visits

Aside from food and shelter, your pooch needs to see the veterinarian on a regular basis to ensure good health and prevent illness as much as possible. Given this fact, is your wallet full enough to cover vet bills as well as buy medications? Be sure to consider this issue because dogs need to see their doctor regularly, and of course, for emergencies. Make sure you can support health care for the new member of the family before adopting a dog.  

Veterinarians saving dog
5. Training

Whether you are adopting a puppy or an older dog, it will need your love, time, and attention. A puppy needs to be trained, socialized, walked, and fed. An older dog from a shelter may also need dog training to address any underlying behavioral issues. Do you have the time to help your new dog build a trusting relationship with you? Do you have the knowledge to properly train your dog or puppy? If not, can you afford to hire a Dog Trainer? These are all things to know before adopting a dog.

Looking for a dog to adopt requires more than thinking about dog outfits and the brand of food you’d like to feed your pet. If you found yourself wondering what to know about adopting a dog, make sure you consider everything outlined above. Doing your proper research and making sure that you are prepared to adopt a specific type of dog will ensure that you don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Astoria Dog Walker!

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