

Dominant behavior in dogs refers to a dog who thinks he is the boss of the house. Such dogs like to be leaders in the pack. When you don’t establish clear rules and guidelines for your pup to follow, they tend to write their own set of rules. If dominant behaviors are not prevented, these behaviors can become dangerous and your dog can get out of control. Here are some ways dog owners can take charge and stop dog dominant behaviors.

Be a Calm Leader

Instinctively, dominant dogs feel the need to protect and lead their pack. If you are stressed or fearful, your dog will sense it. Any nervous, unstable, or anxious energy that you display will trigger your pup’s dominant behavior. Hence, as a dog parent you have to be calmer than you usually are. If you don’t take charge, your pup may see that as a sign to take over and be in control instead.  Do not use physical force to correct your dog. Shouting or being aggressive will only worsen your dog’s behavior. However, if you stay calm and assertive, your dog will sense and trust that everything is under your control.

Set Clear Rules

Have clear rules and boundaries around the home to prevent dominant behavior. Your dog needs to have clear direction from you and needs to follow commands. For example, teach your dog to wait at the door if he needs to go potty. You need to show your dog what behavior is acceptable and what isn’t. All members in the family need to stick to these rules and be consistent. Rules can be anything you want. From not allowing your dog on furniture, to not playing with socks, to not barking when the doorbell rings. You need to teach your dog that you expect calm behavior of him. Dominant dogs like to feel useful. Giving your dog a job and a purpose, such as performing searching exercises with him, can help reduce dominant behaviors.

Don’t Be Over Affectionate

Dominant dogs are leaders who tend not to approach their followers. They like to be alone, so make sure you don’t overdo it when it comes to cuddling and showing love towards your dog. This will ensure your dog will want to come to you, since he will see you as the pack leader. The aim is to reinforce your position as the leader and that everything is on your terms. If your dog barks loudly, do not shout or be aggressive towards him. Instead, try to ignore him for the time being. This will deprive your dog of the attention he wants. During training, you can teach your dog commands such as “speak” and ‘’quiet’’. This will teach your dog when it is and is not an appropriate time to bark.  It will also help to keep control of situations where your dog barks loudly.

Dominant behavior

Make Obedience Training Fun

Positive reinforcement is one of the best methods that you can use to train your dominant dog. Reward him when he displays good behavior with praise and treats. Never punish or yell at your dog if he disobeys you. Instead, be firm and use terms like ‘’no’’ to stop unacceptable behavior. Give him attention when he obeys you or shows good behavior. Teach your dog to work for rewards. This way obedience training will be fun and he will learn to follow you when you command him. Try and set your dog up for success during training, so he gains confidence. Keep the training sessions consistent and short to ensure your dog will look forward to training with you.

Don’t Let The Dominant Behavior Discourage You

No matter how aggressive and challenging your dog is, it is easy to stop dominant behaviors by making a few simple changes. Set up firm ground rules and communicate these to your dog during training. Remember to remain calm, assertive, and consistent with your pup.  Proper communication and training with your pup will ensure you have a happy and balanced relationship with your dog.


Buster and Whiskers is a Dog Walking Service, Dog Training Service, and Dog Hiking Service located in Astoria, NY. We offer affordable and quality Dog Walking Services, Dog Training Services, and Dog Hiking Services in Astoria, Queens, NY.  Contact us if you need a reliable and professional Dog Walker here in Astoria, NY.


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