

Dog parents are often concerned about how to look after their dog during this firework filled holidays. The sound of loud fireworks can make dogs feel scared, stressed, and anxious. Natural survival instincts will kick in when your dog hears loud noises. It can be quite overwhelming for your pup. If your dog is scared of fireworks, here are 5 simple ways you can help your dog feel better.

1.  Desensitize your Dog To Loud Noises

Help make your pup familiar to the sound of loud fireworks in advance. If your dog is scared of fireworks this is one of the best ways you can help him cope. Acclimation is a simple process, but it can take anywhere from a few days to weeks. Play recorded sounds of fireworks to your dog. This way you will train him to gradually get used to the sound of fireworks. Increase the volume slowly. Eventually, get it to a level which you feel he might experience on the night of the firework display. Desensitization to loud noises will condition your dog in a way that will prevent a phobia. After a few days, your dog will be more comfortable with loud sounds.

2. Choose a Safe Location

Your house is where your dog will feel the most safe. Keep your dog inside when the fireworks start. Keep the doors and windows shut. You can also draw your curtains closed to ensure your dog does not get visually stimulated. You should block doggy doors and other exits in your house. Dogs tend to run away from home since loud noises trigger a fight or flight response when they are fearful. Always be on the safer side by being well prepared. Make sure your dog is wearing a collar with an up to date ID tag. If you feel your own home is not going to be safe or the fireworks will be too loud and bothersome, arrange another place for your dog to stay. Make sure it is somewhere your dog is familiar with and comfortable, such as a friend or a relative’s home.

3. Exercise your Pup Beforehand

Get your dog in a calm state before the fireworks start. Exercising your dog before the fireworks begin will use up any excess energy. You can take him for a long walk to tire him and make him feel relaxed afterwards. You should give calm words of reassurance to your dog to help him stay relaxed. Anti-anxiety medication and tools, such as Melatonin or a thundershirt, will help calm your anxious dog. Always talk to your Veterinary before administering any medications.

4. Arrange your Pup’s Environment to Make Him Feel Safe

When a dog is scared of fireworks it’s a good idea to prepare a room or confined space to make him feel safe. Select an inner room in your home that is least affected by the noise. Prepare the room by placing your pup’s bedding and playing soothing music, such as the sound of rainwater. To calm his senses, you can also spray soothing scents such as lavender. Keep some lights on so that your dog feels secure. Ensure the room temperature is pleasant and cozy. Place your dog’s chew toys nearby. This will help keep him entertained and busy.

5.  If Your Dog is Scared of Fireworks Consistency is Key

Ensure you maintain your dog’s feeding schedule and keep him well hydrated. During mealtime, give him foods that he enjoys eating. Here you can find more info about sunflower maids. Be sure to leave your pup with enough water in the confined space you plan to keep him during the fireworks. Provide him with his favorite treats and chew toys.  The more normal his routine and day is, the calmer he will feel.

As a dog parent, you want to do your part to ensure that your dog feels safe and comfortable this 4th of July. Getting him tired before the fireworks begin and setting up his bed and toys in a safe, confined part of your home will set him up for success. The more you tire him out and the more consistent you keep his daily schedule this upcoming holiday, the more relaxed he will be.

Buster and Whiskers is a Dog Walking Service, Dog Training Service, and Dog Hiking Service located in Astoria, NY. We offer affordable and quality Dog Walking Services, Dog Training Services, and Dog Hiking Services in Astoria, Queens, NY.  Contact us if you need a reliable and professional Dog Walker here in Astoria, NY.

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