
Do you have a dog but don’t know how to stop leash tugging and biting when walking? Then this post is for you!

It can be quite difficult to walk your pup when they pull or bite the leash. And this behavior can make walking frustrating for both you and your pup.

Generally, pulling and biting on the leash happens when the dog is still a puppy and is learning to walk on a leash. Once your puppy learns how to properly walk on the leash, this behavior tends to change.

However, this behavior can remain in some dogs or even start after adulthood. Below we explain some of the possible causes and how to stop it!

Why do Dogs Bite and Pull on the Leash?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that dogs are naturally curious and want to explore their environment. Leash tugging and biting may be a sign that your dog is bored and wants to investigate something. Therefore, it is important to provide your dog with opportunities to sniff and explore during walks.

Your dog may also bite or pull the leash to get your attention. If this is the case, give your pup treats and praise when they are displaying good behaviors.

It can also be that your dog bites the leash because they still do not understand the reason for being on the leash. This signifies that you need to go back to the basics of leash skills. Or your pup may show signs of dissatisfaction with their surroundings or frustration at not being able to run freely.

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How to Stop Leash Tugging and Biting when Walking?

Reward Desired Behaviors

One of the best ways to teach your dog to stop biting the leash is to encourage them to walk with a loose leash.

Start by teaching your dog to walk calmly by your side indoors with positive reinforcement. And gradually increase the level of distraction as your dog becomes more proficient.

Reward your pup whenever they walk next to you. Don’t forget to make eye contact, as they need to learn that being by your side is more fun and rewarding than being distracted and reacting to their surroundings.

You can also train them to stop constantly sniffing their surroundings by teaching them a command to “Go Sniff”. Sniffing usually calms the dog and is great stimulation for your puppy. But it should be done at designated times and on your terms, not continuously throughout the walk.

Read More: My Puppy Doesn’t Want to Walk on Leash

Handling the Leash

Another way to lessen these behaviors is to train your skills in leading a leash. As you walk, try to be relaxed and leave the leash loose, behind your dog. For many dogs, a tight leash generates frustration and causes them to turn and bite.

We also recommend checking your mindset before leaving your home for a walk. If you are stiff or nervous, your dog is likely to feel that tension and reflect it in their behavior. On the other hand, if you are calm and confident, chances are your dog will be as well. Breathe, shake off any tension from your day, and be present during the walk.

In addition, ensure that you and everyone that is walking your dog is being consistent. You can’t allow leash pulling and biting sometimes during the walk, and then expect your dog to walk with a loose leash. Consistency is key.

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Fearful Dogs

If your pup is leash tugging and biting due to fear or anxiety, it’s important to address these underlying behavioral issues through training and behavior modification, possibly with the help of a professional Balanced Trainer.

Read More: How to Raise a Confident Puppy

How to Stop Leash Tugging and Biting when Walking – Final conclusions!

Tugging and biting the leash are behaviors that can get in the way of an enjoyable walk. And can leave you and your pup frustrated. By incorporating the above suggestions, you will be on your way to more peaceful and enjoyable walks with your pup!

Dog Walker Astoria

If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria! Follow us on Instagram!

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