Are tennis balls safe for dogs?
Dogs love tennis balls. After all, they can chase them in the park or anywhere out in the open. Despite being fun, tennis balls should be reserved for play supervised by the owners, as they can pose risks to the health of dogs.
In order for you to better understand the subject, we share below some reasons why the tennis ball can be harmful to your dog’s health:
Choking Hazard
Some dogs have a habit of chewing tennis balls until they burst. Dogs with powerful jaws, such as the Rottweiler, can easily break these balls with their mouths, which can lead to serious choking hazards. Half of the tennis ball can become lodged in the back of the throat, blocking the airway. For those who don’t believe it, Oprah Winfrey’s dog died by choking on a plastic ball.
The yellowish-green fuzz that surrounds the tennis ball can also cause problems for your dog’s health. When crushing the ball, your dog may experience intestinal blockages from this material.
Teeth Wear
In addition to the serious risk of suffocation, tennis balls can also cause great wear on your dog’s teeth.
Tennis balls can be chewed for a long time, as they are designed to withstand courts and rackets. In addition, their fuzz is very abrasive, and can accumulate dirt and sand.
When chewed, the tennis ball acts like sandpaper, wearing down the teeth in a process called dulling. In the future, it can lead to various dental problems such as difficulty chewing.
Read more: Can Dogs Eat Bones?

Final Considerations
Despite the risks, it is not necessary for you to permanently eliminate this toy from your dog’s life. Your pup can play with tennis balls safely as long as he is supervised by you.
To prevent your dog from chewing the ball and taking any risks, make sure your pup has access to the toy only when you are around.
You must also know the exact moment to take the ball from your dog before it becomes dangerous. To do this, teach your dog commands such as “drop it” or “leave it”, so that he will release the tennis ball from his mouth and replace it with something else, such as a harmless toy.
It is essential that you are aware of the risks and take the necessary safety precautions to avoid any kind of accident.
If your dog is very fond of balls, look for options that don’t pose any health risks.
Dog Walker Astoria
If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria! Follow us on Instagram.