Unlike a simple walk to get your dog to burn off energy, a structured dog walk can provide your pup with lots of additional benefits that go beyond just exercise.

Many don’t realize it, but a structured dog walk helps to strengthen bonds and trust between humans and dogs.

To help you better understand the benefits of a structured dog walk, check out the tips we share in today’s content!

What is a Structured Dog Walk?

A structured dog walk is not a complicated exercise or intensive training regimen. It is a quiet walk, with rules, limits, and directions. During a structured dog walk, there are no distractions or leash tugging, just focus on the activity of a calm, enjoyable walk.

Main Benefits of a Structured Dog Walk

1. Strengthens trust between you and your dog

We human beings learn from an early age what we can and can’t do and how to behave properly. All this through rules and limits that are imposed on us by grown adults on a daily basis. The same happens in the pack. Rules and limits are necessary from the birth of the puppy until the end of his life. Without exception, dogs need rules and guidance.

To your dog, you are the pack leader and because of that, he trusts you. One of the biggest benefits of the structured walk is to further strengthen that trusting relationship between you and your dog.

During a structured dog walk, your dog will trust you to give him directions, such as when to go sniff or when to go potty. And you will trust him to carry out those actions.

2. Tightens the bond between you and your friend

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of a structured walk is the bond you create with your friend. Through the structured walk, your dog will be calmer, and therefore more receptive to receive new training and commands, making your bond even stronger. In addition, your pup will certainly enjoy your company even more during the walk because he knows that he can trust you to make all of the decisions.

Your dog already considers you the center of his world, so try to build happy moments and memories, making him sure that he is a very special part of your life too.

3. Aligns with His Obedience Training

If you are already engaging in daily obedience training your dog, structured walks are an excellent addition to training activities.

During structured dog walks, you learn more about your dog by identifying what makes him agitated and triggers him. This will help you determine what exposure and socialization you need to focus on with your dog to help him be more calm, attentive, and well-balanced.

In addition, structured dog walking helps reinforce good manners and control trainings.

Read more: 5 Dog Training Games to Play with your dog!

How do I go on a Structured Walk with my Dog?

The beginning

The structured walk starts before you even put on the leash and open the door. Before going outside, your dog should be in a relaxed state. Keep calm and be patient at this point. Avoid talking and never show that you are restless, stressed, or late for an appointment. Stand still and make your dog realize that he should also remain calm.

Once your dog is completely calm, pick up the leash, and place it on him quietly. At this point, it is essential to demonstrate with body language that you want your pup to remain relaxed.

As with the previous step, keep calm, and don’t be in a hurry. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until you get it.

As soon as your dog demonstrates good behavior on the leash, open the door. At this stage, your dog should remain calm. If your pup shows excitement and misbehavior, repeat the process until you get a satisfactory result.

Read more: How to Choose a Professional Dog Walker in Astoria

On the street

Once on the street, with your friend by your side, or behind you, it will be necessary to determine the place and time when he should relieve himself. This must be your decision. You tell your dog when to go sniff and when to go potty.

Continue walking your dog confidently. Focus on the path and not on your dog, as it is your role to direct him and his role to follow. Don’t forget that you are the leader of the walk.

Avoid talking or looking at your dog too much during the structured walk, as this will show insecurity and make your dog take your place when deciding what to do during the walk. Avoid stopping to touch your cell phone to ensure that you are present and mindful of your dog.

Cars, people, noises, and other animals are just distractions along the way. Treat them as such. Do not stop when you meet other dogs or when someone wants to play with your pup, as you will be teaching your dog that is okay to play on leash. This will confuse your dog, as he will then want to do this every time you pass a dog on a walk.

As you progress, challenge your friend on the walk. Try to get him to maintain a calm state during distractions. The more challenges he overcomes, the calmer he will be, and the more confidence he will have in you.

Back home

When you get home, you must repeat the entire process you did when you left. Keep your friend calm as you walk through the door. And only when he relaxes, offer water, and let him go to rest.

You must also play your role as a leader. Don’t talk to the dog and don’t touch him. The reward for your dog is the successful walking.

Although it seems complex, the structured walk is a simple activity. The success of this journey depends on our leadership skills. With more practice, you will notice that your dog will be much more comfortable with the structured walk.

We hope this content has been useful to you! Stay tuned for more canine wellness tips on our blog!

Dog Walker Astoria

If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Dog Walker Astoria

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria! Follow us on Instagram!

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