Have you ever wondered why do dogs like to lick people?

While many of us consider licking to be a sign of affection, the act of licking is deeper than that. Dogs may lick instinctively, to show affection, or to get your attention. While this behavior is harmless, some dogs tend to lick more than others. You can train your dog to control this impulse if you don’t like it or if the licking behavior starts to become a nuisance.

So after all, why do dogs like to lick people? We’ve outlined the main reasons below:

Why Do Dogs Like to Lick People?


Your pet’s licking can be a sign that he loves you, and it’s even one of the reasons why many of us call it “kissing”.

The act of licking is natural for dogs, because as puppies, they spend a lot of time being licked by their mothers.

Licking for affection is a healthy habit, as pleasure endorphins are released in his brain at this point.

To Seek Attention

Dogs also often lick their owners to seek attention. This behavior could be a sign that your puppy is lonely or bored, and therefore needs your attention.

Sometimes even negative reactions can encourage licking. When a dog is in need of attention, he will feel rewarded with any reaction he gets from you.

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Did you know that dog licking is also a way for your pup to communicate with you? Licking can mean that they are hungry, thirsty, hurt, or in the mood to play. It is always important to read and understand your dog’s body language as a whole to see what they are trying to tell you when licking.


Some believe that licking behavior was passed down in DNA by wild wolves, their ancestors. That is, licking can be an instinctive behavior.

Why Do Dogs Like to Lick People


As we said above, many of the times we receive licks, we offer affection in return, such as caresses, rubs, praise, or snacks.

This further reinforces the behavior, and your puppy may start licking you for rewards.


Dogs are explorers by nature and love to know their surroundings. A lot of people don’t know, but the dog’s tongue is a very useful tool for this.

The human sweat, for example, has water, ammonia, sodium, and many other pieces of information. When your dog licks you, he may be trying to find out a little more about you.

Your dog probably does the same thing with objects he doesn’t know about or new toys.

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You taste good!

As strange as it may seem, it may be that during exploration licks, your dog finds the salty taste of your sweat good.

Remember that dogs love to explore the world around them, including their owners!

Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

Although very rare, some dogs can develop an obsessive-compulsive disorder, usually caused by long periods of stress and anxiety.

If you notice that your dog is licking excessively, not only you, but also objects, surfaces, and his own paws, it could be a sign that he is having a problem.

If this is the case, we recommend looking for a specialist as soon as possible.

How to Make your Dog Stop Licking?

Many people may dislike being licked or may find the behavior a bit gross or unhygienic.

In fact, the act of licking is usually harmless to humans, but of course, don’t fall for the “dog mouth is cleaner than human’s” tale.

All dogs’ mouths have natural bacteria, but there is no reason to be worried, as these bacteria do not harm us, except in cases of bite wounds. Bites should be taken seriously as bacteria can cause serious problems.

If you don’t like licking or “kissing”, it is possible to train your dog to stop licking you excessively. You can just deny attention while getting licked. For example, when being licked, take your hand away from the dog, turn your face away, or get up and go elsewhere if necessary.

When the licking stops, simply reward him with attention, affection, or treats. Once he learns that licking is a negative behavior, he will decrease the frequency, until he eventually stops.

Did you like to know why do dogs like to lick people? Let us know whether you are a fan of your furry friend’s “kisses”!

For more tips, stay tuned to our blog and follow us on Instagram! See you next time!

Dog Walker Astoria

If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Dog Walker Astoria

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria!

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