
Have you ever wondered why dogs like their bellies rubbed? After treats, belly rubs are one of the things that dogs love most. Many dogs, as soon as they see their owners, turn their bellies up to receive caresses. Does your dog do this too when he sees you? To help you better understand why dogs like having their bellies rubbed so much, we’ve created this list of the top reasons. Find out below!

Why Do Dogs Like Belly Rubs?

The belly is one of the most sensitive areas of dogs, as it has a slightly thinner layer of skin. Therefore, touching it causes a feeling of pleasure for your puppy.

Another explanation is linked to the coexistence of dogs with us humans. Like wolves, their ancestors, dogs often lie on their backs to show submission to you, who they consider the pack leader.

Dogs usually make this gesture only to people they live with on a daily basis.

In that case, you shouldn’t caress your dog’s belly. You should wait for your puppy to calm down.

Here’s how to know the right time to rub your dog’s belly!

Read more: 5 Dog Training Games to Play with your dog!

Understand your Dog’s Body Language!

First, it’s important to know if your furry friend is just wanting a scratch or if he’s showing submissive behavior.

Dogs that engage in submissive behavior often tend to want to lessen social tension by showing that they are not a threat.

If this is the case, belly rubs can make your puppy much more tense, as you will be touching a very vulnerable part of his body, the belly.

To know if your puppy is displaying a submissive behavior, watch for the following signs. These signs can include a tense body posture, lips pulled back, eyes wide open or eyes narrowed and tense, tension at the base of the tail, or a quiet whimper.

If this is the case, avoid belly rubs. If you notice this behavior frequently, we recommend visiting a specialist, as your puppy may be showing signs of stress and anxiety.

Dogs that want a belly rub may display a relaxed posture, looser body, open mouth, bright and open eyes, tail wagging, and light vocalizations.

Read more: Do Dogs Smile?

Why Do Dogs Like Belly Rubs?

When to Rub Your Dog’s Belly?

Some dogs don’t like belly rubs or don’t want it anytime, and that’s perfectly normal. Sometimes he might just not be in the mood.

Many dogs prefer belly rubs in the morning, when serotonin levels are high, and they feel most relaxed.

The most important thing is to respect your puppy’s wishes and pet him the way he likes. Pay close attention to body language and be respectful if he doesn’t want to be affectionate.

Does your furry friend like belly rubs too? Let us know, because this is one of the cutest and most rewarding moments of having a dog. The joy is so much that it is contagious!

Stay tuned to our blog for more dog behavior tips!

Dog Walker Astoria

If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Dog Walker Astoria

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria! Follow us on Instagram!

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