
Dogs, like children, are dependent on us for shelter, food, and affection. They reward us by brightening our lives and making our days much happier. However, they need guidance to discern right from wrong as well to get rid of bad behaviors. To help you better understand the subject, we’ve listed 10 common Dog Behavior Problems and solutions below. Check it out!

Dog Behavior Problems:


Most dogs bark, howl, and whine to some degree. The problem is when your puppy vocalizes excessively. This kind of behavior can annoy you and your neighbors as well. So, it is important that you solve this problem.

Before correcting your dog, be sure to know the reason your dog is displaying this behavior. It could be that he is trying to alert you, get your attention, or even show that he is bored or anxious.

If your dog’s barking seems to be an anxiety issue, try to make him as comfortable as possible and get help from a professional.

Never yell at your dog when he barks. You can control your puppy’s barking through training.

When your dog starts barking excessively, repeat the word “bark”. When he stops, offer a reward, and say the word “quiet”. Repeat this when he starts barking excessively. Be patient and consistent.


Many dog ​​owners don’t realize it, but chewing is an important activity for dogs. Chewing is only considered a behavior problem when dogs overdo it and cause destruction.

Some dogs may chew out of boredom, excess energy, anxiety, curiosity, or because of teething. It is essential that you know how to identify what is causing the problem.

To prevent your dog from chewing your personal items, you should offer toys suitable for him to chew on. There are lots of fun and sturdy toys to chew on. Invest in them!

You should also carefully put away some objects that your dog cannot chew.

If you catch your dog chewing on an object he shouldn’t, try to distract him with a high-pitched noise. After that, swap the object for a toy that he can chew on.

Read more: 5 Dog Training Games to Play with your dog!


Dogs love to dig, after all, this is a natural canine instinct, just like barking.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to prevent this type of behavior. The best way to solve this common behavior problem is to choose a suitable spot for your dog to dig without causing a real mess indoors. It could be a specific area of ​​your yard or even a litter box.

If your dog often digs indoors, such as scratching the floor, it could be that he is feeling bored or nervous. So, watch out for this kind of excessive behavior.

For dog owners who live in apartments, one option is to always take your pup to a nearby park, so he can dig and play.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is unfortunately a very common behavior problem among dogs. This type of problem happens when the dog is left alone for a long time away from its owner.

Dogs who suffer from separation anxiety become anxious when the owner prepares to leave. They also exhibit bad behaviors after the owner leaves, such as excessive barking, chewing, destruction, urine, or feces in inappropriate places, etc.

Other types of behaviors can be common in separation anxiety, such as following the owner constantly and trying to touch the owner whenever possible.

Solving this problem is not easy. Separation anxiety requires dedicated training, behavior modification, and desensitization exercises. To resolve this, you should enlist the help of a professional who specializes in canine behavior.

In extreme cases, medication may also be recommended. But be sure to consult with a Balanced Dog Trainer before medicating your dog.

To make your dog feel more comfortable in your absence, remember to make sure he has everything he needs: water, food, a comfortable bed, and toys.

You can also turn on the TV or let some soft music play. This can help your dog calm down during your absence.

10 Common Dog Behavior Problems


Begging for food is a dog behavior problem that is often encouraged by the owner.

In addition to being an inappropriate behavior, it can lead to digestive problems and obesity. After all, your dog should only consume food that is appropriate for him and in a regulated way.

It’s hard to resist your dog’s gaze while you’re having dinner, but you shouldn’t give in. Before you sit down to eat, tell your dog to get out of there. It’s important that he stays in a place where he can’t see you eating.

If he behaves well, reward your puppy with lots of affection and praise.


A dog may bite as a way of showing fear, defensiveness, pain or illness, predatory instinct, or protection of property. Your dog may also bite as evidence of a problem behavior.

You, as a responsible owner, must train your dog from a young age to prevent him from biting you, other dogs, and other people.

If proper training is not applied, your dog can grow up with this problematic behavior.

You must help lessen the tendency to bite through proper training, socialization, and breeding practices.

Read more: Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

Inappropriate Elimination

Urination and defecation in inappropriate places are a dog behavior problem that frustrates many owners. After all, it can damage areas of the house and make your dog unwanted in other places.

Before attempting to correct this behavior, it is important that your veterinarian rule out any health issues that could be causing it.

It is also important to remember that inappropriate elimination is inevitable in puppies. To prevent this behavior from continuing, you should train your puppy from an early age to use the correct location.

If your dog is an adult and doesn’t have any health issues, you should revisit the training and repeat the steps.

It is recommended to take the dog outside to pee after drinking, eating, and waking up.

You can also reward your dog after he relieves himself in the right place.

Never yell at your dog after inappropriate disposal, as this will make your puppy very scared.

If you’ve tried everything and failed to resolve this behavior issue, we recommend seeking help from a Balanced Dog Trainer.


It is natural for your dog to chase things that are moving, as this is a demonstration of predatory instinct. The problem is when your dog starts chasing everything in sight, like other animals, people, or even cars. This can be very dangerous.

You shouldn’t stop your dog from trying to chase things, but you should take some precautions. Especially when you’re walking him outside, like always keeping your puppy on a leash.

Another option that can help is to train your dog to come to you when called. This kind of skill is very useful in everyday life.

When going out with your dog on the street, also be aware of possible triggers, such as runners. Upon seeing them, your dog may run away too.

Jumping Up

It is normal for your dog to jump up to greet you and others, but if he does this excessively, you should take some steps to eliminate this common behavior problem.

The best way to stop your dog from jumping excessively is to ignore him. When he jumps, do not make eye contact, speak, or touch the dog. Try to walk away. When he relaxes, you can reward him.

In no time your dog will understand the message!


If your dog exhibits subtle aggressive behaviors, such as growling when scolded, it’s important that you correct him quickly to prevent them from becoming dangerous.

The reasons for aggression are the same as the reasons that lead your dog to bite. But canine aggression is a much more serious problem, which must be treated with the help of specialized professionals.

It is recommended to consult a veterinarian, to check if the dog has any health problems and to seek the help of a professional Balanced Dog Trainer with experience with aggression.

Remember that some dogs can inherit some aggressive traits as well as react to a hostile environment.

To learn more about dog behavior problems, keep following our blog and Instagram as we always share essential tips for dog owners.

We hope you enjoyed the content! To the next!

Dog Walker Astoria

If you require help providing socialization opportunities for your dog and you live in Astoria, you can enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with Buster and Whiskers. We offer daily 1-hour Socialization Walks. If your pup is under-socialized, we will work with them to help desensitize them and get them ready for our Group Socialization Walks. You must live within our Astoria coverage area. In addition, your dog must be up-to-date on all required vaccinations. Laying a strong foundation in socialization is the best gift you can give your pup for a long and happy life together!

Dog Walker Astoria

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Dog Walker in Astoria!

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