
Playing Dog Training Games is a fun way to bond with your dog while teaching him some useful, everyday skills.

There are different types of Dog Training Games, and to help you out, we made a list of 5 of them. They are fun games that can be played anywhere, including indoors or outdoors.

Curious to check them out? If so, read on and be sure to write down your favorites!

Dog Training Games:

1. Which Hand?

This is a simple but really fun guessing game!

The first step is to choose a treat that your dog likes a lot. Put the treat in one hand and let your dog see. Then close both hands and place them behind your back. Then bring both hands in front of the dog and say “Which hand?” Wait for your dog to sniff or touch a hand. If he chooses the hand that has the treat, offer it to him as a reward. If he guesses wrong, open the other hand so he sees which hand the treat was in and repeat the round.

This is a fun game to warm up your dog before a training session.

2. Find Me

“Find me”, also known as “Hide-and-Seek for Dogs”, is one of the best-known dog training games in the world.

To start the game, be in plain sight in an adjoining room while your dog remains seated. Then call the dog’s name and say out loud “Find me”. When your dog finds you, give him praise, pet him, or offer a reward, which can be a treat.

Start the next round at the place where he first met you. Keep practicing and hide farther and farther away so your dog can explore the entire house.

Once your dog is used to this game, you can up the rigor by playing it outside.

“Hide-and-Seek for Dogs” is a game that helps prepare your dog for separation situations. The game teaches the dog to be calm and to use his senses to look for you.

This dog training game is an excellent choice for rainy and cold days, as it can be done indoors.

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3. Come and Go

“Come and Go” is an ideal dog training game to play with your dog and one other person, especially outdoors.

Before starting, you and your partner should pick up some treats that your dog loves. After that, ask your dog to sit next to your partner while you stand about 10 feet away. At this point, your partner should crouch down and point at you while saying “Go!” You should crouch down, spread your arms and call the dog by name. When your dog approaches you, let him sit in front of you. Say “Good Sit” and offer the dog a delicious treat and pet him.

After this first round, your dog repeats the game, but going to your partner this time.

Remember that your game partner must be a trustworthy person who has a relationship with the dog. The intention is to teach your dog to go to you or people he knows.

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4. Find It

“Find It” is a dog training game similar to the “Find Me” game. The main difference is that this game aims to teach your dog to find an object.

To start with, take a toy your dog likes a lot and let him sniff it. After that, have your dog sit down without being able to see you, and hide the toy in the next room. Let your dog look for the object. When he finds it, offer a reward.

See how easy and fun it is?

To up the rigor, you can play this game outdoors as well.

5. Give

“Give” is a very useful training game to teach your dog to return objects that he shouldn’t be picking up.

Start the game in your living room or somewhere your dog can’t escape. Choose one of the dog’s favorite toys and throw it on the floor. When your dog picks up the toy, call him by name and lightly hold the toy in one hand. Say “Give” and as soon as your dog gives you the toy, offer him a treat in exchange and lots of affection.

Never pull the toy out of the dog’s mouth, as this can make him hold more tightly, thus triggering possessive or aggressive behavior.

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Which of these Dog Training Games did you like Best?

There are so many Dog ​​Training Games that it’s hard to list them all. Stay tuned as we’ll soon share more options for you to have fun with your furry friend.

For more tips on training and dog wellness, follow our official Instagram account.

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