

To get a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted dog, regular socialization and exercise must form part of their routine. Group walks are a natural and non-confrontational way through which a dog can learn to have self-control and be social. Given your busy schedule and perhaps lack of training in dog walking, proper dog socialization can be a challenge. But luckily your dog can get all this on a daily basis, while freeing you up to attend to your busy work schedule. With our professional Astoria dog walkers, you are assured that your dog is in good care. Your dog will receive the required walks and socialization while in the hands of a trained dog walker. The idea of Socialization Walks may be new to you, so here are the benefits to be derived:

Dog Socialization

During group walks, your dog will socialize with dogs of different breeds, temperaments, ages, and sizes. In addition, Group Walks will give them the opportunity to experience different environments, as well as understand new and different types of dogs. This will prevent some behavioral issues that may develop in the future, especially when in the company of other dogs. It is also an opportune time for your dog to make new friends and help them become more confident. In addition, Socialization Walks will allow your pup to be exposed to new places and people, preventing them from being fearful and aggressive when introduced to such environments in the future. 

Our Group Socialization Walks also provide much needed exercise and physical stimulation for a well balanced dog. This is especially important for younger puppies. Our structured Socialization Walks also ensures that young puppies have positive experiences with dogs of different breeds, genders, and ages. This will help them understand that there exists a variety of dogs. An isolated dog may grow believing that what they see around the home environment is the only thing that exists. Seclusion can easily lead to confusion in the future when exposed to a different environment.

Good Behavior from Other Dogs

Socialization Walks with a professional Dog Walking Service provide your canine friend with an opportunity to learn good behavior from other dogs. They will pick up good behavior from the other dogs in the pack.

It’s a Fun Activity

You will find that your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, as well as being in the company of the dog walkers in Astoria. They are happy, well behaved, and enjoy every moment of the exercise.

Dog Walker Astoria

Buster and Whiskers is The #1 Dog Walking Service in Astoria, NY. If your dog needs more exercise or social interaction, enroll your pup in daily Socialization Walks with us. Contact us for a professional and reliable Astoria Dog Walker!

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